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Smarthome - Smart LED Light Chains - Which one can use?

Both at Christmas time and at some festive occasions, the light chains are often unpacked. On the market there are currently a whole range of normal and smart light chains. The cheapest start already at some Euros and then it goes as soon as you can see up to just over 150€.

In this post, I would like to deal with some solutions for my personal purposes, which I have tried for myself. The products are divided into different product cost classes and accordingly have different features.

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Homeassistant via reverse proxy

Due to some extensions that I have to take advantage of, I have to make my smart home installation accessible from the Internet. Since I do not want to open a port on my router, or want to pack HASS installation in a DMZ, I have to deport to make my home assistant accessible via VPN tunnel and reverse proxy. In the following, I will show how I configured my Debian server to enable this and what fall knits I had to consider. In this guide, I assume that there is already a Homeassistant installation and a functioning Apache2 web server.

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Powershell ZIP Backup Script (with encryption) - KeePass

Due to requirements, it was recently necessary to write a small script that encrypts a given folder.
Since a static password didn’t seem reasonable, I wrote a script that generated the password “randomly” and then stored in a KeePass.

The password for this, is fed into a simple file where the respective encrypted string is stored, this is only “per user” – so User 1 gets a different key file than User 2. (Of course, this is only a “simple” protection method, there are quite possibilities to bypass this system (if the user password can be reset, for example, and the user is taken over, everything can also be decrypted.)
The script should be able to encrypt and decrypt as easily as possible, accordingly in the following a short explanation for using the script.