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Orno WE 517 with an ESP8266


On the way to my Smart Home, I would also like to mean Intermediate counters like to integrate into my home assistant. As a model I use a Orno WE 517 used. I can also use this later for a solar system to display the supplied electricity.
Further required parts:
– ESP8266
– MAX485 Converter


The structure is very simple and explained in 3 parts by itself, the ESP8266 cannot read MODBUS via RS485, so we need a converter, in this case an RS485 to TTL converter. We connect the A/B ports of Converter and Counters with each other. After that, the data lines from the converter to the NodeMCU and, if necessary, the pins DE/RE (flow control) and then be connected to D6 in my case.
Lastly, both are supplied with voltage and GND is connected.


As a basic libary, I have a modified libary used (https://github.com/j54j6/OR_WE_Energy_Meter-w-NonAutomaticFC) – which is not automatic flow control and automatic FLus control supported.
Since I have the data quickly on my MQTT Broker wanted to have available, I continued my base OS used (https://github.com/j54j6/ESPBase).


After 5 minutes of software integration, you can see the following with successful ESPBase configuration:

For example, it is possible to read the ORNO WE 517 with the ESP for about 15 minutes. In theI will show how to use this dataset as a sensor in Homeassistant can import. And here you see how to put the sensor in the can import energy crashboard from Homeassistant.
