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Set up Homeassistant NodeRED


My automations are now becoming more demanding and therefore need a somewhat more suitable environment for developing these automations.

There are different approaches in principle to create more complex automations, such as pyScript, AppDaemon, YAML in Homeassistant or NodeRED.

Why NodeRED?

As mentioned at the outset, there are also other solutions for complex automations, but I would like to first put on NodeRED, this has a simple but practical reason for me: debugging and optics.

NodeRED is a FlowBased Automation Editor and I also had a job to do with these or have something in private (n8n). Accordingly, I am already a little warm with such editors and visually something can be quickly adjusted. There is no "read in code" or other. Even in 2 years, I could easily track such automation visually and immediately knows where to start.

Install NodeRED in Homeassistant

The installation and configuration of NodeRED is quite simple and done in under 5 minutes.

At first, NodeRED must be installed as an add-on via the store, for this it is easy to search for NodeRED via "Settings > Add-ons > Add-On Store" and click on "Install".

NodeRED configuration

To configure NodeRED, simply click on the "Configuration" reiter in the upper bar in the Add-On menu from NodeRED. 2 values must be adjusted effectively here:

1. Credential Secret - Here you enter a secret with which important information such as login data or similar is encrypted

Two. SSL - NodeRED is run as an add-on application and is accordingly encrypted with the local Homeassistant certificate TLS. Therefore, the tab "Show unused optional configuration options" can be set to "true" below and then the option "SSL" can be set to false. The nginX (Webserver for NodeRED) does not handle encryption because it is not needed - naturally only applies if the external access of NodeRED (Standard Port 1880) is not to be used! - Alternatively, a Certfile should be specified :). This must be stored under "/ssl/" and can then be entered with a relative path. - One of both must be done, otherwise the add-on does not start^^^.

-> If you do not want to use SSL (or only want to have the Homeassistant view), the external access can be disabled by simply entering "zero" in the Port field (Network > Webinterface) instead of a port.

In the log, the following is also available when starting the add-on:

[19:47:07] WARNING:
[19:47:07] WARNING: Direct access mode is disabled, Node-RED Dashboard
[19:47:07] WARNING: will not work!
[19:47:07] WARNING:
[19:47:07] WARNING: Please assign a port in the Network section of this
[19:47:07] WARNING: add-on configuration.
[19:47:07] WARNING:

This only allows access to the Homeassistant panel.

Once everything is done, the add-on must be restarted and is ready to use.
