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Die Inhalte, die du hier siehst stelle ich dir ohne Werbeanzeigen und ohne Tracking deiner Daten zur Verfügung. Trotzdem muss ich die Server bezahlen sowie Zeit in Recherche, Umsetzung sowie Mail Support stecken.
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Da ich Keine Werbung schalte und keine Spenden sammle, ist dies die einzige Möglichkeit, meine Systeme und mich zu finanzieren. Ich hoffe du kannst das verstehen :)

qCow2 Open and use files


To connect my Homeassistant database to an external server migrate, I was looking for a way to migrate this export while my server is shut down.
With me At home a Unraid server runs, which also my Homeassistant virtualized. The memory associated with the VM is in the “qcow2” format before.
In this file lies next to the system itself, also a database with all history values, for my Homeassistant.
In below I would like to show a way to do this file without Problems on different operating systems using Oracle Virtual Search box and copy data.
This option should work for all systems that have the possibility to run VirtualBox.

Install Virtual Box & Create VM

To install VirtualBox is not much needed. First, the Installer to be downloaded.
After installation, a live image must be downloaded, so we save time. Herea Ubuntu LTS image can be downloaded. As soon as both files ready, can be in Virtual Box under “Machine” > New – a new VM to be created. As operating system you can specify Debian 64 bit (64 Bit system and activated virtualization in the UEFI provided).

Next, by right click on the VM and then “Change” the Bootimage defined (mass memory > Controller IDE > (CD) -> Here you select the Ubuntu Live Image.
Then the qCow2 File under “Controller: SATA” included. Add to Cart by clicking the “green plus sign” below in the window a new mass store, or edits the main store (if this ) and sets the qcow2 image for it.

Once this has been done, the VM can be started.

QCOW2 File read

Important: This is encrypted in my case! NOT! If the file is encrypted, it can be another if you don't get a crypt to decrypt!.

Once you arrive in Ubuntu Live (click on “Try Ubuntu” on the installation screen), you can find the file in the Explorer under “Other Locations” and browse and manipulate as usual (e.g. copy files).

In order to copy the files without any effort, I have a SMB share which I have specified in the Explorer (Since this is a live image, SMB Shares are gone again after the VM has been switched off).
Here is an example of my file. Above is the qcow2 file, below you see my Internal SMB share to get the data from the VM.

And that was already
