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Homeassistant - Detecting tilted windows


One of my main requests for my Smarthome was and is detection of tilted windows, as I quite also window for for a longer period of time and before I go, want to know which windows are open and which tilted as I tilted windows due to let the built-in fuse open...

I looked forward to solutions, but it was I'm only very limited, because tilted windows are more of a German? Things seem to be...

There are certainly solutions that can see how the ELV Homematic IP window sensor. This would also be the most visually beautiful solution. Since I don't have a Homematic I want to use IP, according to favorable and reliable solutions searched and finally on the AEOTEC Zigbee Multipurpose Sensor which I then bought directly 15x... Price of approx. 30€ per sensor, they are priced in the reasonable framework and continue to have a few nice extensions, like a gyroscope, a vibration sensor and a thermometer.

Facility in Homeassistant

The setup is quite simple via the ZigBee Addon in HASS, but you only get 3 sensors

  1. Thermometer (temperature)
  2. IAS Zone (magnetic sensor)
  3. Accelormeter (Boolean -> Named with isMoving)

These values can show me if a window is on or too, but not whether it's tilted. Accordingly, we need the values of the gyro and we do as follows:

Setup Helpers:

First we need 2 Helper -> We create this under SETTINGS > DEVICES & SERVICES > Helpers

  1. Helper for Tiltvalue from sensor (This helper will include the value of the sensor)
    MIN: 0
    MAX: 200
    INFO: In the normal case, these values can range from -1400 to +1400, but with “normal” fenterns these ranges
  2. Helper for isTilted boolean value defines and shows whether the window is tilted or not (toward Use in a Picture Elements Dashboard – if this is not need not be added to the sensor)
    Type: Toggle

Toggle Sensor - Shows if the window is tilted or not (only needed for lovelace picture elements dashboard)

  • Numeric Sensor - This sensor holds the gyro value from the sensor
  1. 1
  2. 2

Setup Automation

Next, we need to create an automation that has the values from the sensor to the helpers, we create a new automation SETTINGS > Automations & Scenes > Automations

Small Info: Automation can be executed automatically unlike a script a script must be started manually, e.g. by a Button on the dashboard. Therefore, we need to use automation here.

Automation in YAML:

alias: GetTiltFromFensterKontaktBad
description: Setzt den FensterKippWert (X Achse) vom Bad
  - platform: event
    #under this event the data are send (may vary when you use another sensor
    event_type: zha_event
      #your device ID -> under Setings > devices
      device_ieee: 28:6d:97:00:01:xx:xx:xx
condition: []
  - service: input_number.set_value
      value: '{{ trigger.event.data.args.value }}'
    #change this ID to your helper ID
    entity_id: input_number.fensterkontaktbadneigungx
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: numeric_state
            #change this ID to your helper ID
            entity_id: input_number.fensterkontaktbadneigungx
            above: '0'
            below: '100'
          - service: input_boolean.turn_off
            data: {}
              #change this ID to your helper ID
              entity_id: input_boolean.fensterkontaktbadistgekippt
      - conditions:
          - condition: numeric_state
            #change this ID to your helper ID
            entity_id: input_number.fensterkontaktbadneigungx
            above: '100'
            below: '200'
          - service: input_boolean.turn_on
            data: {}
              #change this ID to your helper ID
              entity_id: input_boolean.fensterkontaktbadistgekippt
    default: []
mode: single

Finally, you can still integrate this data into a dashboard, so you can see the following article [Link]
