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GDPR - Detection by using Google Fonts

First: This is not legal advice! This is a hobby blog with Focus on technology. In the later part, however, I have linked an article, which deals with the legal component of the case.

As already heard in some media, websites are currently being used Operator to a kind of “pain money” dabbed the Google dynamically integrate fonts on your own website.
The following I want to deal briefly and flush with this subject and explain why these exhortations can occur.

What is the fundamental issue?

At present, many individuals and lawyers complain about Website operators who reload Google Fonts. That means that the font used on the website not on the local computer available (or the website enforces reload) and at website call, besides the web server from the website operator, also the Google's servers are requested so that the font is loaded from there can be. By calling the fonts from the Google servers, receives Google in the USA, the data (IP address) of the calling. By This is the fact that the information power is no longer in the caller (this assumes that the data is only available to the website operator ). At the beginning of 2022, the District Court of Munich held that Remotefonts found why operators of websites on local Fonts should change, or alternatively GDPR conform modifications...

Since I do not have anything to do with legal issues, nor a lot to do. have an interest in this issue and, last but not least, want to repeat it, what is already available on the Internet in better quality, can I use this article e-Legal24recommend if someone illuminates the legal component more accurately wishes or wants to read what defendant has for possibilities.

Who is affected?

There is no general answer for this. In principle, everyone can Website operators are affected by the code used on the website does not know or do not know what writings have been written. There are some scan tools on the Internet that check whether fonts (for example, here: https://www.e-recht24.de/google-fontsscanner)

What can I do?

In the following I'll show example for a WordPress installation and for my main website, as I have in under 10 minutes the problem could fix...


Under WordPress can the plugin “Local Google Fonts” to be installed. After installation can be under the menu rider ” Settings -> Google Fonts ” will be checked whether fonts from Google are used. To collect data for the plugin, once at click the button “Check homepage manually” and then a few Pages can be clicked through. If Fonts are found, you should click the “Lokal Hosten” button on the left side (this appears only when fonts were found). – This should Installation to be safe against this kind of abnormalities...

Own websites – With access to the HTML / CSS /etc. Files

On my main page I have the Fonts Remote as this is to be implemented within the development by one line is... The following solution shows how to use the fonts locally within can include less minutes. My example is based on the font “Lato” presented...

The original line was the following:

<!-- Google Fonts https://fonts.google.com/ -->^M
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:300,400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

First the font is downloaded by:

wget -O Lato.zip https://fonts.google.com/download?family=Lato
unzip Lato.zip

The original line can then be replaced by the following:

    @font-face {
        font-family: "Lato";
        src: url("./googleFontLato/lato.ttf");

The url must be replaced by the appropriate alternative and that was already. Lastly, depending on the web server, this one must reload and the new version is online. The website does not load Google Fonts more.
